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Finger on the Map

Radio Network

There is a reason why you hear people all across the nation call into the show! The Maney, Roy & LauRen Morning Show broadcasts from their Southend studios in Charlotte, North Carolina but their reach is much further. Thanks to the Kiss 95.1 App and the Audacity App, the morning show can be heard in every city in America.


We have compiled a list of where most of our listeners are located. This information is gathered from live stream numbers, Nielsen Reporting Data, and Podcast Downloads. 


Each pin on the map indicates significant listenership 



DISCLAIMER: Audience measurement is determined on a several factors including but not limited to Nielsen radio ratings, average come, persons 6+, total podcast downloads, and active live-stream IP. The numbers provided are furnished as a public service with the understanding that The Maney Roy & LauRen Morning Show makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information provided

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